I happened to pick up the January issue of Alternative Medicine magazine and found that if you go on their website, you can get coupons and free samples for various supplements. As of this month, the magazine has changed its name to Natural Solutions. You can find their website at http://www.naturalsolutionsmag.com/.
Frugal Friday is hosted by Crystal at http://biblicalwomanhoodonline.com/blog.htm.
I suppose when Jesus was teaching his followers about giving and the blessings they would receive in return, he wasn't talking about giving a dog a belly rub.
The second my feet hit the floor each morning, our dog Otto rolls onto his back and looks at me longingly. Sometimes I reach over and pat his head as a way to appease him for the time being. Usually, however, I ignore his hopeful look and quickly move past him to get to the bathroom. Either way, I hear him sigh as he rolls back over to his side. I think to myself, "I'll give him some attention later. Now is not a good time for me." Once again, in my hustle and bustle of living, I've dashed his hopes of receiving the pleasure of a belly rub. I've also robbed myself of a blessing.
It has occurred to me lately that when I don't take the opportunity to give when a need presents itself, I miss my opportunity to receive. When I put off blessing others with my time, talents, and resources, I'm also putting off receiving my own blessings.
How does this relate to belly rubs you ask? One day when I was feeling frazzled, I absent mindedly began petting Otto. He quickly rolled onto his back with his feet in the air and enjoyed the soothing rub down. Amazingly, I discovered how soothing this was for me in return! There's just something about having a quiet moment with your pet that is relaxing. I could feel the frustrations of my day drifting away. I then realized how many times I had let this opportunity slip through my fingers. Giving Otto a belly rub gives me the blessing of peace!
I challenge you to give of yourself, even if it's just a belly rub, and see how Jesus blesses you!
Give, and it will be given of you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Luke 6:38
Here it is.......Frugal Friday again. It seems it's the only day I end up posting just because I'm so busy with work and my family. (I won't be quite as busy as of June 14th! I'm getting rid of some of my work load......not my family!) I subscribed to Refund Cents a few weeks ago and have found it quite helpful. I think this is where I found the following information.
If you go to The Caregivers Marketplace at www.caregiversmarketplace.com, you can get cash back on purchases of products not typically covered by insurance or Medicare. By "caregiver" they don't just mean if you're caring for aging parents or a disabled loved one, being a MOM counts too! Some of the product categories that are included are baby & juvenile diapers, Nature Made vitamins, digestive health (Citrucel), nutrition (Ensure), plus several other categories.
You need to print out their 2008 cash back request form, purchase five or more eligible products, fill out the form and mail it in with your original, dated cash register receipt(s). Make sure you look at the form first and see that the product you are purchasing is on it.
I have not sent in a form yet only because I just found out about it and haven't purchased enough products yet. If any of you already participate in this program, I'd be interested in knowing what you think about it!
Frugal Fridays are hosted by Crystal at http://www.biblicalwomanhoodonline.com/blog.htm.
Mom to 3 boys; was a stay-at-home mom, then a working mom, and now am home again; wife for the past 23 years; dog lover; former preschool teacher; closet writer; beach lover; Yankee who misses living in southern Virginia; Sunday school teacher; and most of all a daughter of God!