Friday, February 1, 2008

Belly Rub Blessings (scroll down for Frugal Friday)

I suppose when Jesus was teaching his followers about giving and the blessings they would receive in return, he wasn't talking about giving a dog a belly rub.

The second my feet hit the floor each morning, our dog Otto rolls onto his back and looks at me longingly. Sometimes I reach over and pat his head as a way to appease him for the time being. Usually, however, I ignore his hopeful look and quickly move past him to get to the bat
hroom. Either way, I hear him sigh as he rolls back over to his side. I think to myself, "I'll give him some attention later. Now is not a good time for me." Once again, in my hustle and bustle of living, I've dashed his hopes of receiving the pleasure of a belly rub. I've also robbed myself of a blessing.

It has occurred to me lately that when I don't take the opportunity to give when a need presents itself, I miss my opportunity to receive. When I put off blessing others with my time, talents, and resource
s, I'm also putting off receiving my own blessings.

How does this relate to belly rubs you ask? One day when I was feeling frazzled, I absent mindedly began petting Otto. He quickly rolled onto his back with his feet in the air and enjoyed the soothing rub down. Amazingly, I discovered how soothing this was for me in return! There's just something about having a quiet moment with your pet that is relaxing. I could feel the frustrations of my day drifting away. I then realized how many
times I had let this opportunity slip through my fingers. Giving Otto a belly rub gives me the blessing of peace!

I challenge you to give of yourself, even if it's just a belly rub, and see how Jesus blesses you!

Give, and it will be given of you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Luke 6:38

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