To be honest, I don't feel much like my home is a haven today! We were out of town Friday afternoon until late Saturday night. After church yesterday, I came home, ate a quick lunch and then worked at a benefit all afternoon. The benefit was for a mom at my school who was diagnosed with ALS last December and is deteriorating pretty fast.
Anyway, I'm feeling rather muddled this morning. So on my "To Do" list so far this morning are the following:
- Finish grinding coffee beans
- Fax the dog's latest shot records to the kennel
- Find someone to babysit the rabbit & goldfish next week
- Instruct the kids to vacuum living room & dining room
- Pack up books I'm trading on BookMooch
- Pack up books I sold to Cash4Books
- Get to what cleaning I can (my kiddos need some attention too!)
- Begin thinking about what we'll pack for our trip to Chicago (we fly out on Saturday morning)
There are two things I'll do this week to bless my family. The first one is to bake some cookies for them. I baked cookies last week to take to my parents' over the weekend. I have to bake cookies for a bake sale that my oldest son's baseball team is having. This is typical....I usually bake for other people/events and then don't have time to do it for my family. So this week they'll get their very own batch!
The second thing will be more difficult for me. Our flight to Chicago is at 6 AM on Saturday morning. This means I'll be packing on Friday (4th of July). I DETEST packing and get REALLY grouchy when I have to do it. (Unpacking is just as bad!) My goal is to NOT get cranky and snap at my family. Say a prayer for me!

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