Saturday, April 17, 2010
How is Your Posture?
During the past 2 weeks, I've had six appointments with a chiropractor. This is the first time in my life that I've ever been to a chiropractor. Eric made the first appointment for me in hopes that the doctor would be able to help me with my dizziness and headaches.
So just about every other day for 2 weeks I've been hearing how I need to watch my posture; that I need to pay attention to my posture. Therefore, I've been thinking about the word posture a lot for the past few days. Prior to even looking the word up in the dictionary, I kept thinking, "How is my posture with God? Have I positioned my attitude and my life to honor Him? Am I living on the straight and narrow as they say?"
Speaking of straight and narrow, I decided to look up that saying as well. This is how put it: The way of proper conduct and moral integrity. [Probably alteration of "Straight is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life" (Matthew 7:14).] INTERESTING!!
To be honest, I'd have to say that my posture regarding God probably isn't as good as I'd like to believe. Do I read from the Bible daily? No. Do I always treat my husband with respect? No. Do I ever gossip? Yes. Do I judge others? Yes. Am I guilty of not always honoring God with my thoughts, words and actions? YES! Hmmm...doesn't sound like a very straight and narrow life.
Following my chiropractor's instructions will give me good physical posture while heeding God's Word will provide me with perfect mental and spiritual posture. The latter is what I desire the most. I realize that only Jesus is perfect, but if we want to spend eternity with Him, then we have to adopt a posture that reflects His. One that is straight and upright. How is your posture?
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Thankful Thursday
I am thankful for the beautiful weather we have been having. It does so much to lift my mood!
Despite the inconvenience it caused on Saturday, I'm thankful that the "stand-off" involving a neighbor was a hoax. It could have been a lot worse than it was.
I'm thankful that Sam's foot has healed after a slight break 4 weeks ago! (Especially since he only wore the boot for 2 weeks because he said his foot felt fine!)
I'm grateful that I'm back in school and getting the hang of student life after being out of school for 22 years! I'm slowly finding my way around campus!
I was not in the mood to go to church choir practice last night, but I'm glad I did. It's been a long week, and I felt that yesterday should have been Friday. Choir practice got my mind off of other things and helped me to relax. I'll miss not being in choir next school year. Since I'll be going to school full-time in the fall and my classes will all be held at night, I have to give up singing in the church choir.
I know my list could go on, but I must get to work! Happy Thursday everyone!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
I Love a Bargain!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Saturday, April 10, 2010
It Was All a Story
Please Pray
I just went outside to get in my car to go to Cooper's first baseball game of the season, and I saw that my block and the next block up from me are closed off. There are police cars and fire trucks everywhere. People are milling around watching. I saw my neighbor and asked her what was going on.
Apparently, someone was shot in a family dispute in the next block. The victim was able to crawl out of his house, but the gunman and supposedly two other people are still inside. This block of homes consists of all old row homes. The gunman is threatening to burn the house down. These row homes don't have firewalls between them. So everyone in that block has been evacuated.
I can't believe the police are letting people stand outside and watch. I came back inside just to be safe. I had to call Eric to tell him I can't get to Coop's game (Coop is at the field already with Eric) and call Sam who is at the mall with a friend and his family. I could walk to Cooper's game, but I want to be here when Sam gets back.
Please pray!
Everything seems to be over with, but I don't really know what happened. I haven't been able to find much news coverage. HA....I wrote that sentence and the NBC news van just drove by!! I guess I'll tune in at 11 PM.
I went out to my porch as one of the fire trucks was leaving (I thought) and was told to go back in my house. At that point, I noticed the police telling everyone to go inside. Our two blocks proceeded to be closed off for about the next 4 hours. Eric & Coop were able to sneak in the back way, but Sam was stuck at a friend's house for a while.
I heard different things from different neighbors, such as the guy escaped; there were drugs involved; and there were chemicals in the house, possibly a meth lab. Like I said, I have no idea what went on. All I know is that my neighbors and I were pretty much held hostage in our homes all afternoon, while the immediate neighbors of this family were ousted from their homes! Thank you for your prayers!
Play Ball!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Ultimate Blog Party!

Hey everyone, 5 Minutes for Mom is hosting the 2010 Ultimate Blog Party! The point of the party is to help us connect with other bloggers. Plus, you have the chance to win a prize! You should see their list of prizes!!! It's pretty long! So head on over and join the fun!
I would like to win the following prizes:
USC25 - $25 Barnes & Noble Gift Card from Baba's Farm Life
US96 - A Laundry Prize Pack from Mama's Laundry Talk
US14 - 10 Free Custom Bumper Stickers from Build a Sign
I'll probably add more to my list before the party is over. There's too much to choose from!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Homemade Peanut Butter Cups
Monday, April 5, 2010
Peep Sunflower Cake
Sunday, April 4, 2010
The Lily and Poinsettia People

As I pondered this, the thought came to me that it will probably take more than an interesting sermon to reach this special group of people. It will take us. Those of us who call ourselves Christians. We who are God's sons and daughters. We who are the body of Christ.
We are to be His hands. His feet. His voice. His heart. Jesus' last command before departing for Heaven was: "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation." Mark 16:15
I know. This command is difficult for me, too. However, on this day, Easter Sunday, let's try to do what our Lord & Savior has commanded us. It can be as little as shaking hands and genuinely welcoming "Lily" to your church or as big as inviting her over for Easter dinner. Let's just be obedient today of all days!
Update: I'm in our church choir. Today we sang at both services. Our choir pews are on the alter facing the congregation. So during the services I looked at all the faces to see if I saw anyone unfamiliar. It took me a few minutes, but I finally found a few. All of them were in the back pews! I didn't stand a chance in trying to greet them when I was at the front of the church and they were at the back!! Thankfully, Jesus' last commandment is meant for EVERY day! So even though I wasn't successful today, I'm sure I'll have plenty of other chances. I did at least introduce myself to the woman I'm supposed to teach Sunday School with in April & May! She's fairly new to our church, and I hadn't met her beforehand.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Easter Eggs
I snapped some pictures yesterday as Cooper dyed his Easter eggs. His response to me was, "Really?" Like I'm so uncool for wanting photos of him doing his eggs! Sadly, the teenager (Sam) didn't want to participate this year. Even Coop told me he is too old for the Easter egg hunt happening at our church today. That surprised me because he'll take free candy any day! (He joined the school choir in 4th grade because the teacher promised candy at the end of the school year. She didn't deliver, so he didn't participate in choir in 5th grade! Yeah, that's my kid!)
Friday, April 2, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Thankful Thursday
I am thankful for my Easter break! I had today off and don't go back until Tuesday. Our kids have the same break. Oh, and that we're having actual spring like weather makes it a double blessing!
Eric doesn't have today off. In fact, he's having a stressful busy day. However, I am thankful that he is taking a little time to go over to the baseball field with Cooper and throw the ball around. (Although Lord, please give me the strength to be nice despite his stressed out mood!)
I am thankful that I'm 1/3 of the way done with my student profiles for my upcoming parent/teacher conferences.
I am grateful for the mom of one of my students who brought her month old daughter up to me this week and said, "I thought you might like to hold a baby."
I am especially grateful that my nephew and his girlfriend decided they will have the baby that they are expecting together. They decided against other alternatives. I'm looking forward to having a great-nephew in July!
By the way, I'd be REALLY thankful if someone stopped by to clean out my rabbit's cage. I'd give you a Reese's Easter egg! Yes, I'm resorting to bribery.
And God, thank you that my pizza dough is rising for tonight's dinner!! (He is even in the small things!) Amen!

The Hyacinth is my favorite flower! I can look at this photo and imagine the fragrance coming from them.
On Sunday, I was at the grocery store for the first time in weeks (since I hadn't been able to drive). As soon as I walked into the store, I was bombarded by the fragrance and beauty of the Easter flowers...particularly the Hyacinths. I was actually taken aback because I had forgotten that it was the time of year for them. I couldn't believe that I had forgotten about something that makes me happy! I was tempted to buy one but didn't because I knew my grocery bill was going to be quite large. Maybe I'll treat myself this weekend.
Thank you God for the beauty and delicious scent of my favorite flower!
Photo from