Monday, December 7, 2009

Awards, Awards!

Andrea over at Arise 2 Write has kindly awarded her bloggy friends the following two awards, and I happily accept them! Andrea is a sweet and lovely lady, and if you've never visited her blog, please pop on over there!

For this first award, I'm supposed to tell you 5 things that I love to do.

  1. Spend time at the beach, especially the Outer Banks of NC.

  2. Read and write.

  3. Work with young children.

  4. Spend time with my family.

  5. Play and snuggle with our dog.

The Lemonade Award makes me think of my "I Get To Tuesday" posts. In these posts, I try to find the blessings in unpleasant tasks and events. I turn my "I Have To's" into "I Get To's". In other words, I'm making lemonade out of lemons.

I pray that you all will begin to join me in these posts by posting your own "I Get To Tuesday" list on your blog and then linking to my blog.

Please feel free to take these awards for yourselves! I feel blessed to know each of you through your blogs. Andrea, my dear friend, thank you for passing these awards to me!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

You are welcome, sweetie! I love you, too.