Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Thomas Nelson Book Reviews
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
"I Get To" Tuesdays
Oops! I'm a little late with this today, so let's get going!
- Part of the reason I'm late today is because it's the last week of the month. This is the week I get to change over my classroom and get things ready for October. Changing over my room means putting up new bulletin boards, decorating with fall items, and getting out some different toys for my shelves. It's time consuming, but my students really do notice the changes and I love their smiles!
- I get to try to put my oldest son on a gluten free diet. He has a lot of allergies, and we feel helping him to make better food choices will help him greatly. My husband is also trying to go gluten free so that Sam isn't alone. Actually, many of the things we've tried so far are pretty tasty! Unfortunately, Sam can be pretty stubborn and moody, so helping him to change his eating habits is not fun for us. We're hoping he'll begin to feel a bit better and realize that what he puts in his mouth does effect how he feels physically.
- I'm still getting to vacuum daily because Otto is still itchy and is shedding. But my kids are helping with this task, so at least they're learning some responsibility and how to do household chores.
- We got to go to church an hour early this week so that our kids could attend Sunday school. We really haven't had them participate in Sunday school since we began attending this church 3 years ago. The only reason for this is because Eric & I don't want to get up early on Sunday! I know...shame on us! Being there an hour early was nice though because we got to chat with our Pastor and other people. We also got some ideas regarding our kids and a monthly allowance!
- I've been getting to wash the dishes and clean up the kitchen a lot more lately. However, this is because Eric has had more time to cook recently! He loves to cook, and I don't so I see this as a blessing!
That's my "I Get To" list for this week. If you decide to post your own "I Get To" list on your blog, please let me know, and I will post a link to your blog here.
Remember, try to find the blessings in your "I Have To's" and turn them into "I Get To's"!
Thank you, Sandy, for joining me this week! You can read Sandy's "I Get To" list on her blog, Daily Learning as a Special Education Teacher. (I know, I really need to sit down and learn how to do Mr. Linky!)
Sunday, September 27, 2009
I'm So Excited!
Many of you may recall that I sponsor a 13 year old boy in Brazil through Compassion International. Compassion does organize group trips for sponsors to visit their kids. I would love to do this some time, but truthfully, fear (and the financial cost) stand in my way. Unfortunately, as an American, I am concerned about traveling outside of the US. Flying isn't my favorite thing to do, especially over water. Also, I'm a picky eater and fear having to eat something unusual (or seafood!). The latter is silly, I know.
One of my co-workers has a young daughter and son-in-law who are missionaries. They work through YWAM (Youth With A Mission). Wellington, the son-in-law, is from Brazil. I was so excited to be invited to their wedding a year ago because I knew I was going to get to try some Brazilian food (nothing yucky). I told Paulo about this because I thought he'd find it interesting. Well, the wedding fell the week that I miscarried, and I ended up not being able to go. (Come to think of it, I believe today is their first anniversary!) I was pretty bummed out about this.
In January of this year, Holly and Wellington left for Romania to work in an orphanage. Unfortunately, the government over there is cracking down on having missionaries in the country, so the two were sent back here less than 6 months later.
Recently, Wellington had a dream that they went to Brazil to serve the Lord. Now, through the mysterious workings of God, that's exactly where they are going! The reason I'm excited is because they are going to Recife which is where Paulo is!!! Paulo isn't in an orphanage. Thankfully, he lives with his grandparents. However, we're going to see if there is some way Holly & Wellington can find him and take some things from me to him. They will be leaving in January. Please pray for this young couple and pray that I may be able to connect with Paulo on a more personal basis through them!
God is so AMAZING!!!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
"I Get To" Tuesdays
I didn't post here last Tuesday because I was too busy and I was sick. I'm afraid some weeks I will be just too busy to post my "I Get To" Tuesdays or to join in on Thankful Thursday. So here's my list for this week!
- I didn't get to go to Women of Faith on Saturday. I got to stay home instead. Both my neighbor and I were sick. We realized on Friday night that we were both trying to be brave and suck it up for the other one even though neither of us felt well. We decided it would be best to keep our germs to ourselves and to get some much needed rest.
- We got to have a "do over" birthday party for Cooper on Sunday. We had rented a theater back in August so that Coop & his friends could play X-Box 360 on the big screen. Unfortunately, when we got there, they were having issues with their X-Box. So we rescheduled for this past Sunday. (We only had to pay half price and they gave the kids a free popcorn, drink and candy!) The kids and my hubby had a blast doing this! I just watched for the 2 hours, which wasn't very exciting for me, and it was LOUD!!! At least everyone else had a great time!
- Poor Otto is itchy. He has allergies. We've tried medicated baths, medicine prescribed by the vet and Benedryl. Nothing has really helped all that much. So I decided to change his food. I got to spend $60.50 on a 15 lb. bag of dry dog food! Even though this is an expensive alternative, I'm praying that it works for him because I feel so badly for him. I discovered that the place I ordered it from isn't too far away from where we live. I emailed them and asked if I could just pick up my orders instead of having to pay for the shipping. They said yes! So at least I'll be able to save some money!
- I get to take Sam to the dentist this week. We don't have dental insurance, so I'll be paying out of pocket for his check-up. At least we have the money to do this.
- It's football season. Yippee. I could care less about football. I celebrate Super Bowl Sunday because it's the end of the season. I'll get to see a lot of football on our TV between now and the Super Bowl. However, it provides good bonding time for Eric and the boys. And I think the Eagles are supposed to be good this year!
That's my "I Get To" list for this week. If you decide to post your own "I Get To" list on your blog, please let me know, and I will post a link to your blog here.
Remember, try to find the blessings in your "I Have To's" and turn them into "I Get To's"!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Thankful Thursday
Time to join Sonya over at Truth 4 the Journey for this week's Thankful Thursday!
- I am simply thankful to be able to participate in Thankful Thursday this week. I missed last week's post because I was too busy.
- I'm thankful that I was able to take the day off to go to the doctor. I finally succumbed to my family's germs and needed some REAL drugs to kick this sinus thing.
- My children are all better and I'm thankful for that! Now if my hubby could just feel better. His REAL drugs don't seem to be working as well for him.
- I'm thankful that I'll be going to Women of Faith on Saturday to work in the prayer room!
- I'm thankful that despite a lot of food allergies in my one class and several special needs kids in my other class, my students have adjusted to school pretty well!
What are you grateful for this week?
Sunday, September 13, 2009
I was a good girl and turned off the ridiculous Lifetime movie I was watching and opened my Bible. It fell open to the Psalms, so that's where I began reading. I was reading Psalm 32 when I got to verse 9 which says, "Do not be like the horse or the mule, which have no understanding but must be controlled by bit and bridle or they will not come to you." This verse just stood out to me. It made me think, "What have I been stubborn about lately?"
I know that I still have not gotten over what I wrote about in my September 4th post. I haven't forgiven that person, nor have I asked for forgiveness or truly said I'm sorry. It's still a sore issue with me.
This is kind of silly, but I'm stubbornly clinging to summer! Even though school is in full swing, and I believe football season officially begins today (yippee), I am in denial. I had such a nice, relaxing 3 months, and I don't want to give that up. But I know God wants me to move forward. Verse 8 of Psalm 32 says, "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you." I need to listen to our Father, to not live in the past and to trust Him for a full life despite what season I'm in.
As this week goes on, I will continue to ponder which areas of my life I continue to be stubborn in. I hope each of you will think about this for "...the Lord's unfailing love surrounds the man who trusts in him." (Psalm 32:10) We need to discard our stubbornness and trust in Him and in His ways.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Quick Note
Second, with school starting last week for us, I've been up to my ears with doing things for my own kids and preparing for my students who began today. It seems I've been out most evenings doing either school or church related activities. (Choir begins tonight!)
Therefore, I haven't posted much nor have I made it around to your blogs. I have this dream to read at least the most recent post of every blog I follow, but I think this dream is on hold for at least another week (or two)! It's not that I've stopped blogging or am not interested in your blogs...I just haven't had the time! I think a lot of you had your kids return to school this week and are in the same boat because I noticed that comments and hits were down yesterday on my blog.
Just wanted to let you all know that I'm not ignoring you and that I haven't lost interest in doing my blog. It all comes down to a matter of time!!!
I'll be "seeing" you soon! Blessings!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
"I Get To" Tuesdays
- If you are a regular reader here, you know that one of our church members committed suicide last week. Our pastor informed everyone that there would be a gathering at our church on Wednesday night if anyone wanted to stop in and just talk and pray. I didn't know the woman who died very well other than we had been in choir together for the past year. However, I felt I needed to go to this gathering and am glad I did. I got to know a little more about her, and I got to pray with members and friends of the church.
- On Saturday, I got to go to the memorial service for this woman. I have been to funerals for older people and for a premature baby, but attending one for someone who has taken her own life was really tough. It was just heartbreaking. This whole tragedy has taught me that even if someone doesn't seem to be that open toward you or friendly, keep persisting because it may be that they just have personal issues that cause them to keep to themselves when what they really need is a friend.
- On Thursday night last week, I had my Parent/Student Orientation Night for my 4-year-old class. I had a headache and was tired that day and didn't really feel like being all smiles that evening. Thankfully, I was able to get a nap in the afternoon, and everything went smoothly that night.
- Tonight I get to do the same thing for my incoming 3-year-old class. This age group can be quite stressful because they tend to cry a lot at first. They are still babies after all! Hopefully, I won't come home with a headache after this evening is over! But I know that as the year progresses, I will be blessed by these little ones.
- My Cooper has been sick all weekend. In fact, he got so dizzy Sunday night that he fell face first to the floor. Thankfully, he wasn't hurt and didn't lose consciousness. Scared me though! Sunday was beautiful here, and I would have loved to have sat on my front porch with a good book, but I felt badly for Coop, so I stayed inside with him. I'm glad I did!
That's my "I Get To" list for this week. If you decide to post your own "I Get To" list on your blog, please let me know, and I will post a link to your blog here. (If anyone can talk me through setting up Mr. Linky, please do! I've done it once, but had a hard time doing it.)
Remember, try to find the blessings in your "I Have To's" and turn them into "I Get To's"!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Taming My Tongue
All day long, though, I have felt God urging me to pick up my Bible. I figured it was in order to calm me down a bit because I was so agitated. I went grocery shopping this morning and did not have butter on my list because I knew we didn't need any. When I got to the check out counter, I somehow had 3 pounds of butter in my cart. I was THAT distracted!!!
So I sat down tonight and opened my Bible. Of course, it fell open to James 3 -- Taming the Tongue. Our God either really has a sense of humor or knew I needed a lesson in this area today. I decided to go to three different Bibles to read this chapter in James.
I like how the New Century Version words James 3:5b-6: A big forest fire can be started with only a little flame. And the tongue is like a fire. It is a whole world of evil among the parts of our bodies. The tongue spreads its evil through the whole body. The tongue is set on fire by hell, and it starts a fire that influences all of life.
And from the NIV, James 3:9-10 reads: With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be.
Okay God, you've got my attention. However, I'm still human and feel justified in what I said. It's going to take much prayer and some time to calm myself down and repent. Sometimes I just get confused about what is righteous and justified anger and what isn't.
So my friends in Christ, I just wanted to give you a little food for thought for the next time you get to your boiling point and have the urge to spout off. As the commercial says, "When you need a moment, chew it over with Twix." I think I'll go out and buy a whole carton of Twix bars!
The funny thing here is that what led to my angry words was politics!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Thankful Thursday
I'm a bit late again this week. Work is taking it's toll on my time. So let's get down to business!
- I am thankful to all of you for your prayers regarding my request yesterday. I went to church last night for a tearful gathering of prayer, trying to understand why this happened and sharing some memories of this woman who took her own life.
- I am very grateful that my own anti-depressant works wonders for me and helped get me out of the pit I was in 7 years ago.
- I am thankful that both of my kids seem to be enjoying their new schools. Sam has said that, "High school is way better than middle school!" (Hopefully, Cooper didn't hear him say that since he just started middle school!)
- I'm thankful that my classroom is all decorated and put together for the month of September.
- Eric had to have an MRI done on his head last week. Thankfully, all came out well.
If you would like to share your blessings this week, please stop by Sonya's at Truth 4 the Journey!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Prayer Request

I did not know her very well but knew that she had some health problems and was out of work for a while. I've also just learned that she was diagnosed as being bi-polar. She was not married but did have a boyfriend. Unfortunately, he was the one who found her.
I'm just asking for prayer for her family, our church family and my Pastor. I would think that for a pastor, having something like this happen within your congregation would be really tough personally. I imagine he may feel that he failed one of his parishioners. Although, I know he did keep in contact with her and would check in on her. Sadly, our Pastor and her boyfriend both thought she was doing better lately.
Thank you my mighty prayer warriors!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
"I Get To" Tuesdays
- Of course my number one this week is that I got to go back to work yesterday. Enough said right there. Thankfully, I'll be getting a paycheck again!
- On Sunday I received a call from someone at church. She asked me if I'd be willing to teach Sunday school this year. I really didn't want to add one more "to do" to my life, but our church is not very big and I feel that I should help out. I won't have to do it every week, and the class is only a 1/2 hour. I requested the preschool aged kids since that's the age group I'm used to working with. I haven't been good about having my own kids attend Sunday school, but now if I'm teaching, we'll be there in time for them to go also.
- As of this week, I get to help my kids with their homework again! At least we live in a country where they have the opportunity to go to school.
- I also get to fill out the piles of paperwork that the schools require to have on file!
- I get to work on Thursday evening because we're having one of our parent orientation nights. This is usually a bit of a stressful evening, however, I'm hoping this will calm my nerves for next week when the students arrive. These are kids that I had as 3-year-olds and will now have in my 4-year-old class. They were a tough crew last school year. I'm praying that I'll find they have matured nicely over the summer!
That's my "I Get To" list for this week. If you decide to post your own "I Get To" list on your blog, please let me know, and I will post a link to your blog here.
Remember, try to find the blessings in your "I Have To's" and turn them into "I Get To's"!