What form!
Afterward, we had burgers, hot dogs, chips & dip, salad and cake. Best of all... we had gorgeous weather and good fellowship!
What form!
Afterward, we had burgers, hot dogs, chips & dip, salad and cake. Best of all... we had gorgeous weather and good fellowship!
It's that day of the week again...a time to think about what I'm thankful for and what I should be praising God for! All of our gifts and blessings are from Him!
1. I had a nice visit with my parents and sisters over the weekend. One of my nieces and three of my nephews were there as well.
2. Tomorrow is my last day of work until August 31st!
3. My hubby has been working hard at cleaning out our garage this week.
4. We have some sprouts in our garden!
5. I'm thankful for all of you who read my ramblings even when they're not that thought provoking or inspiring!
It's your turn! Head on over to Truth 4 the Journey and link up with Sonya.
If you would like to participate in this week's Thankful Thursday, head on over to Truth 4 the Journey! I would like to praise God for the following:
1. My engagement ring is back from the jeweler's.
2. My oldest son had a fun and safe field trip on Monday.
3. Today is my first day of in-service.
4. The pool opens this weekend!
5. I'll be seeing my parents, sisters and their families this weekend.
6. *An added bonus: I'm feeling better this week! I felt lousy last week.
7. When we went to pick up my engagement ring, we discovered that my emerald ring was in also! Here are some pictures of it.
I am definitely not a hand model that's why I kept it in the box when I took these pics!
I pray that each of you are having a fantastic week!
Amen and amen.
Today's Verse: Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory. |